What people think about my coaching

I felt boxed in and trapped in terms of what career I wanted to pursue and what I wanted to do with my life. I was going around in circles, and I wanted to break the cycle.
Phil’s coaching highlighted my thought process and how my beliefs and values conflicted with my other needs.
Personally, I really need to do something outstanding, but simultaneously, I have many interests that pull me in different directions, and I have a lot more things I don't want to do.
He helped me untangle and sort through a lot of this mess and specifically showed me how to resolve some of these inner conflicts more calmly and maturely.
He is a great listener, but he also steers the conversation without rushing it and is flexible enough to spend more time where it is needed.
Coaching with Phil highlighted that my core needs were working against each other and that I was pushing people away because I was trying to compete with them for no good reason.
I recommend the coaching programme to anyone.
It’s like having a crash course in understanding how your mind works and finding out your own operating system,
Yes, you can get by, but actually, there is a lot to say about sitting down and figuring out how it works. When you consider the potential costs of not going through this kind of exercise, it really is a no-brainer.
I now know what I want to focus on next in my life and what I want to prioritise.
I chose Phil as a career coach because his marketing material caught my attention as professional, concise, and clear. The 30-minute introductory session communicated that Phil was someone I could relate to and be open with about my career and personal goals.
The coaching was a guided adventure/journey into who I am and what I value in life rather than a jumble of general ideas about what makes me who I am.
The process makes you take a long, hard look into the ideas, thoughts, and habits that are currently being held. It helps me focus on the useful and discard the unnecessary or negative.
This means more energy and enthusiasm are available to apply to the process. This system allowed me to realise I wanted to help people, with a focus on advocacy, specifically with refugees/those in need.
The intense sessions with the two-week gaps worked well. They allowed me to identify strengths and weaknesses while allowing me to digest and then act on the tools and ideas provided during the coaching.
Within the two-week gaps, Phil was always available for feedback and refocusing my attention on what was important. His digital tool and centre were transparent and easily available.
Phil’s coaching approach measured pushing/redirecting or inspiring when needed.
How the coaching brought answers that were always there to the surface and shone a light on them.
I’ve regained interest, control, and direction over where I want to go in life.
Do it for you. You’ll not regret it.

I was burnt out and not feeling well; I felt stuck and did not know how to move forward. A very good friend who had worked with Phil recommended him to me.
Phil helped me understand myself and why I was stuck. He also helped me take small actions throughout our coaching to help me move forward.
My friend noticed I was constantly improving as I was coaching with Phil.
I found myself with the confidence to take more significant actions. I joined a choir with new people, I started playing sports regularly, and, coming to the end of the coaching, I found a new job that I will be starting soon.
Phil’s approach makes it easy to move forward, as when he asks what seems straightforward, it leads to impactful changes and helps you realise so many things about yourself.
I recommend anyone to use Phil. His entire process makes a difference, and everything he teaches and the tools he shows you can be re-used in the future!
Trust his process!

My work with Phil has been extremely helpful. From wanting to move from the USA to Berlin and changing my career, I have now managed to do all of this in less than a year!
Working with Phil, what I realized was that I had made a good decision in finding a coach who focused more on the motivations for me taking the path that I was taking than one who focused on the technical skills for finding a job.
Relocating and redefining one’s life is really, really, really hard. And draining. And it’s easy to lose sight of why you’re making the change. Phil’s program builds incrementally off of previous work, so as we worked together, each step revisits the motivations and passions identified in earlier phases, so there is a constant reminder of why we’re doing this. This reiteration proved to be immensely valuable.
Phil’s coaching program is designed to get a person to really consider some difficult questions about self-actualization. Through these questions, you end up with artifacts documenting motivations, passions, and personal truths. Having these answers documented is helping me continue to be motivated as I go through this transition.
And now I am here in Berlin and about to start my new career and life.

After becoming a mother, I had more time to reflect on my wishes and needs and decided to change careers. I invested a lot of time and effort in learning new skills and unsuccessfully applied for jobs in a very short period on time. Next, I found myself quite confused, disappointed and upset. My husband recommended working with a great coach he had also worked with, in order to improve my approach: Phil.
During the coaching sessions, I could see a big shift from feeling stuck in a situation to rediscovering my passions. It was great to begin integrating them into my daily life, discussing the barriers and pursuing a more fulfilling career path. I was also provided the tools to continue and sustain this transformation.
Phil has a great energy, and guided the sessions very well. Although simple at first glance, the exercises were surprisingly efficient and invited to a lot of self-reflection and discovery
I had so many breakthroughs while working with him. I had started by wanting to work on my personal branding and my fear of conflict, but I learned much more.
I started reconnecting with my passions and embracing my limits.
Being raised with a career-first mentality, I nevertheless had a deep fear of neglecting my loved ones. During our sessions, I learned how I can prioritize my time with the family and make sure I am there for them.
Another milestone was realising I want to work in an environment where I can make an impact and contribute to society by helping other women in a similar situation as mine. That helped me define one of the main goals to pursue in my professional life.
I have a feeling of overall content and confidence, which I had been missing for some time.
Before Phil, I had never seriously considered entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, I was surprised to discover how much I want to build something of my own: a business where I can express my values and also collaborate with inspiring people.
And this is what I am now doing!
If you ever have the chance to work with Phil, do it!

Chief of Staff
When I started my coaching with Phil, I had just come out of a situation, where I experienced severe burn out. I was very insecure in a professional environment and struggled to have my own voice heard. I also mistrusted my colleagues and did not want to show my true self at work.
That’s when I started working with Phil as a coach. He is a person that does not judge you or puts you into a certain box. His coaching sessions are always a safe space where all of your concerns are taken absolutely seriously.
Phil really helped me gain back my confidence, set up boundaries at work, and discover my professional persona. The very practical coaching approach mixed with his own mindset coaching method gave me the right tools to start boosting my career and also tapped into what I actually want to achieve outside of work. At the same time, Phil taught me how I can set up boundaries and still develop as a leader with my own values. Thanks to the help from Phil, I am now in a management position I never thought I would find myself in two years ago.

Content Editor
When I started my coaching with Phil, I was in a phase of questioning many conditions and doubting my own abilities. Phil brought the sensitivity and understanding to guide me to a point of self-knowledge in every single session we had.
In the process, I learned things about myself that I would not have expected. I have developed awareness of my own needs - both personal and professional - and have become less shy about expressing them openly.
Phil has also did an excercise with me to discover my passions in life and to become clear with what direction I want to go. This was very useful because it made me realise that I want to do something in my life I really like doing and not for achieving a certain status of career or prestige.
Thanks to Phil's coaching, I found my dream job. I am very grateful for that.
I am very glad that Phil is with me in life. He has an extraordinary sensitivity and is very good at putting himself in different perspectives. And he has the gift of bringing out the best in everyone if you let him.

Product Manager
It’s easy to dismiss the value of coaching when bad examples of it are so easy to find, but this preconceived thought vanished the moment I had my first session with Phil.
What started as a call for help to deal with my work-related anxiety, turned into empowering coaching sessions where I left each one not only able to understand myself better, but also capable of achieving more–and no amount of self-reflection would’ve brought me to this point in such a short amount of time.
From simpler things, such as identifying what gives me purpose, to an in-depth breakdown of my Product Management skills and development path, Phil’s invaluable role in my career development has shaped my professional outlook as a whole, and for that I am extremely grateful.

Lead Product Designer
Until I met Phil, I used to be very skeptical about coaching. To me, it sounded like someone giving you a motivational talk to boost your will-power and magically obtain unimaginable results. I couldn’t be more mistaken - even though there might be some of these coaches out there, Phil helped me understand that coaching is about providing people with tools to achieve their goals and, most importantly, understand and identify these goals.
Using the Wheel of Life method, I was able to go through a deep reflection about my priorities and identity in a pivotal moment in my life.The special thing about this session is that it provided me with a roadmap for the next months of my life. It isn’t just about understanding who you are, but also about taking action towards who you want to become.
Phil also helped me see that coaching is a skill that I can learn and apply in my career to become a better leader. The fact that Phil is such an empathetic and kind hearted person makes him not only effective but also exceptional at what he does.

Design/Research/Opera Singer
I was coached by Phil over between 2018 through to 2020.
Phil provided expert analysis and guidance on a number of professional and personal issues. He is an incredibly sensitive professional who encourages you to step into your own power and positively transform what is holding you back. He understands organisational psychology and how different personality types may respond to certain professional dynamics. He taught me a considerable amount about setting boundaries, self confidence when communicating with leadership, goal setting and importantly how to actually reach them. My work processes and overall outlook was positively influenced by my work with Phil.
I would call on Phil in a heartbeat and highly recommend him to any individual or organisation.

Product Manager
When Phil and myself started our coaching sessions, I remember I was expecting only to be working on some insecurities I had. I was very soon surprised then, how the mindset coaching helped me in many other ways as well.
Over the course of our sessions, I learned to be more focused and confident in my day to day life. Also, Phil helped me change my perspective on trust towards other people, which was amazing for my personal life.
I have found myself enjoying my work life even more, and I can now better handle situations in the past that have been difficult for me.
Our coaching sessions were always very trustworthy and focused. I am impressed by Phil's broad methodological knowledge and how carefully he chooses the right tool for each of our sessions. After every session, I was impressed with how much I learned about myself by applying the tools and coaching we used.
I am more than grateful to Phil because he supported me in making big steps forward in my life and my personal career development.